Friday, September 24, 2010

Finished viewing movie: CJ7 cartoon

It’s a chyna production, I think
Its old school, no much cg but it great for me
My sons and I love it
The storyline are a bit different from the movie
It’s funny and entertaining
If u asks me to choose, I will choose it over the movie

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: The A-Team

Great movie, enjoy from the beginning
It start with a lot of loud noises, action and firework
It carry u all the way though the movie
The storyline acceptable, no much time for u to think what’s next
Very entertaining I say

Overall ****

Finished viewing movie: The Poker King

A Hong Kong drama about gambling
Nice, cause it didn’t talk trash like gambling no good this and that
Its pure entertainment
A bit of cg to make the show better, good touch
A small unexpected twist in the end, good job
Like this show although very boring in the middle
If don’t talk so much nonsense during the show will be better

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Grown ups

A very nice comedy
I would recommend to most of u if u can take the joke
Don’t related to yourself, it’s funny and bastard
The ending great, this is the second time I seen a show with such ending.
Good, feel great after the show

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: The Phantom 2010 series

Not interesting
It more like Batman
The storyline weak, expected twist no surprise
Not interested in continuing

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Resident Evil: After Life 3D (in theatre)

The effects of 3d are good
And story line so so, anyway don’t expect much before we go
Not much surprise but I enjoy the movie like before
A piece of advice: revise part 3 before going
It's what most reveal say; this show has a great saying of “girl power”
And it’s like before the studs and babe are so good for my eyes

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: City under siege

A Hong Kong sci-fi action movie
Both lead actor and actress make thee show worth watching
Story line weak there no surprise or twist at the end but acceptable
Cg consider ok, not wow but ok
Not trilling through out, the romance in the show drag down the speed
Feel satisfy after watching

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Three Smile Romance

It’s a Chyna comedy
Yap, its story of Tang bo hu again
Well it’s a shock when I saw the main lead
He is ugly, I mean so very cute. Interesting hae?
Think he will be great if there a Garfield live movie
It’s not bad since I expect nothing but nonsense from it
Good past time but not that great

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Ip Man: The legend is born

Been heard a lot about it, good and bad
After viewing, I feel so satisfaction
Been hearing the yong chun in the show is fantastic. Yes so very true
But the main lead sound and act like lu qi from the 60’s
The ending is abit weak, because it felt a break between it show and the original
But still love it so very much
If I show my son, he will start interest in yong chun again

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: Future X-cop

From the show I found out I got a lot of friends
Although I didn’t plan to go cinema but friends been keep telling and stopping from going
After I watch the show on disc, wow….. So damn suck
Cg trying to be as good as Hollywood but cause of timing it so bad it keep make me laugh, u know it like stealing from other movie and make fun of it. But it is stealing from other movie and making fool of himself
I see familiar shots in this movie from “wanted”, and my son call out daddy “Ironman”
Not only the stuns and shots stolen from other the storyline belong to the director old movie 15years-20years ago from movie super school fighters.
I told my wife I can write the twist at the end of story better
This is movie can only be watch because of Andy Lau and the young actress from Cj7

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: The Treasure Hunter

Before watch it I know it suck but I like to know how suck
The actress performance is lousy
The storyline, really don’t understand how come the director would take such story
The cg and the set are nice but waste on such film
The director can’t bring out the story behind the character or the story so suck that the director don’t understand at all
Example of how suck the story:
They are looking for lost city and its all about lost city at the beginning don’t know how come they end up in ancient tomb. ??// this is only 1 of many
I keep having a lot of question through the show, the answer for all my question is because the story suck don’t think too much
P.s. look toilet paper man=0 LOL

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Short of Love

A Hong Kong production comedian
Not much story line
It’s about a rich man hoping to find true love
Message it try to convert to me is “life like a journey we meet along the way, share our story but my life go on. Treasure all bad and good come along”
This movie is petty funny, a few scene really make me lol
Enjoy it but the ending feel ….
It’s good to pass time but empty at the end
Felt petty much like a lot of thing I doing now

Overall **

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Finished viewing movie: Alien in the attic

A movie for the kids
My sons love it, well for me it a bit childish
Ok, it’s funny and fun
Story line not much surprise, think E.T better
Can watch with kids, I mean children 9 and below, they should

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: The four

It’s a 25 parts series Hong Kong product
This is base on a classic novel
I decide to watch this series because of this reason
Before that I already know it suck
After finish the whole thing, WOW….
It really sucks and I know why it sucks
The story line totally cannot make it
At first for treasure hunting it copy “National treasure “and “Harry Potter”
It makes all main character look stupid taking us as stupid as well
The end more suck, they create so many deadly weapons in such short time
Not only that the writer must take all the character been drinking water since birth,
None of their brains are well develop
When u have army with machine guns, would u fired a machine alone against your enemy or ask all to join the fun
At the end the u create machine at the age how can your army loss to a brunch of men when knifes
So conclude, this show sucks

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Dynasty of yong zhen

It’s a 44 parts series china product
I join it so much while watching thinking emperor yong zhen is a saint
But after I finish the series I continue with the bonus disc, finding out I have been con again
It’s not a history reenactment it a fiction base on history like romance of 3 kingdom
So disappointing
But I do enjoy during the show
For those out there not seem the bonus disc, again it’s not history reenactment

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: Crush of titans

I like it better compare to the old one
I always feel that the old one story has a bit of …
The new one story not perfect but a bit better
My friend comment about Zeus wearing full plate, look more like roman more than Greece, I agree. But the Romans also have the same idol, and thus look better in new
The medusa look so pretty compare to the old one
The peagerse look like black beauty in wings, pre….tty
Excuse if I spell the name wrong
Do believe that the changes they make are more reasonable but less touch of Greece myth
When I watch the ending, it feels just like the condor couple (神雕侠侣)

Overall ****

Finished viewing movie: Karate Kid

It’s a production from U.S. + China, surprise
It’s the best movie made with Jacky Chan lately
I like it more compare to the old one
But still quite unreasonable, it’s like instant noodle kung fu class
Well I still the show and going to share with my kids
Think they will like it too, or better not
Will start the whole kung fu thing around him again, kicking and punching around
Wait till they older ba
I quite like it, yes although it’s slow but nice

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: Alice in wonderland

A movie by Tim Burton, so expect some gothic beauty
I do enjoyed, its funny, beautiful, interesting style
However when watching with my sons I regretted
A scene the mouse pokes the eye of the dog thing and removes the eye ball
Ready don’t how to explain to them except saying, “u all cannot learn from it”
Story line expected, but the cg buys back the prices

Overall ***