Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Finished viewing movie: Cirque Du Freak: The Vampires Assistant

It’s a fantasy movie
The cg not bad
Storyline ok, expected, no surprise
The story not finish, feel like there is a part 2
I like this show, it funny and nice

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: Open Season 3

It’s a 3d anime, I think (because it’s not well done)
Well I finish it with my sons, so its think it ok
My sons like it

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Tiger Returns 虎王归来

A China anime, unexpectedly good
Nowadays cannot underestimated Chinese anime
Its funny, I like it

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Alpha and Omega

It’s an anime with wolf
Abit boring for adult feels childish
My son too young to understand cause too much on relation
Maybe cater for a certain age group

Overall *

Finished viewing HK drama: No Regrets 义海情天

It’s a 32 parts series
The original cast from 巾帼枭雄
Waited so long for this show but so disappointed. Regrets? Yes
It so drag-ie. OMG, feel relief when finish
If this story don’t drag, completed in 20-25, it will be great

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: A Nightmare on Elm Street

It’s a remake of classic
The storyline are almost the same, not much surprise
The cg is great
Petty scary
Remind me of the good old time

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Just Call Me Nobody 大笑江湖

Think movie have not release at Singapore cinema yet
At first I thought I’m so 幸福,but I’m so worry
This show abit show, maybe my expectation abit high
Most of joke can be found online
The main lead is really a nobody, at least this is first time I see him
The storyline think is inspired by novel title 功夫

Overall *

Finished viewing HK Drama: The Mysteries of Love 谈情说案

It’s a 20 part Hong Kong drama
They say it totally a copy of Japanese detective drama, I agree
So of the concept although I didn’t experiment on it but I doubt it will work
But who care
Think most will enjoy it. I? Maybe

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: How to Train Your Dragon

It’s a great 3d anime show
Enjoy it together with my kids. Yes, a show that can enjoy together
The storyline and shot are good
Like it

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: The Hole

A horror movie
It bores for first 10mins till the find the hole. Sound familiar?
Its scary at first cause unknown is always scary
But when 10mins later u know the story line, boring….
I still finish it (by forwarding abit)

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Flirting Scholar 2唐伯虎点秋香之四大才子

It’s suppose the sequence for 周星驰 show, I think
It sucks
No matter storyline, joke, action…. All can’t remember after watch
Damn waste of time

Overall 0 (Don’t wastes time)

Finished viewing movie: The Sorcerers Apprentice

Thought it like from former Mickey Mouse show, but nothing like it
Suppose to be exciting but can’t feel it
It tries to be reasonable but turn out lean. Why can’t it just explain it as magic exist and happen?
Story line tough?? Don’t why they don’t make it more fantasy
The cg is great. Some shots are shot beautifully

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Bald

It’s a comedy with lot of tits flashing during the show
Not funny, story line stupid
?? Felt waste my time but still finish it maybe I miss good old time

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: The Other Guys

Its is comedy of dumb and dumber
The whole show laughing point is the stupid and dumb jokes and stuns
Can’t say disappointing if u didn’t expect much from it
So don’t carry your common sense when watch this show

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Robin Hood

What I expect from this show are lot of arrows and blood
But I have more than what I expected
The storyline is great. Romantic, passion, touching, action and most of all….
The show is shot beautifully, nice….
To me, its one of the best show of the year

Overall ****

Finished viewing movie: Adventure of Teenage Dragon Slayer

The cg suck, the storyline suck
I thought it can remind me of great old time from DnD
But I’m so wrong
Waste of time

Overall 0 (Don’t wastes time)

Finished viewing movie: 蜡笔小新

So miss this kid
Really enjoy this cartoon after so many years since last seen
Can expect a lot of the standard stuff from this show
If u never watches xiao xin before, beware the drawing suck but the joke great
If u seen before u will know what to expect
Too bad xiao xin development has to stop after the death of his author

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Day Watch

It’s a sequence after “Night Watch”
No wonder my brother keep look for “Night Watch”
If u misses part 1, u will be lost watching “Day Watch”
Well, not that great but nice

Overall **