Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Finished viewing movie: Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore

The show full of effect and 3d
But both are suck
Storyline suck too
So why I watch? My kids love it….

Overall * (Kids ***)

Finished viewing movie: Dream House 维多利亚壹号

It’s a Hong Kong produce bloody, suspend movie
Very violent, remind me of “saw”
Storyline ok, but the director great. The way he tell the story is good
End wise, can’t say unexpected but it very 大胆
Give it 3 stars cause I believe many people will miss, hope more can share
Warning damn blood and got boobs, so not for kids

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: The Fantastic Water Babies 出水芙蓉

It’s a low budget product by China and Hong Kong
Think it’s a romantic comedy
Funny wise…. Ok ok only
But simple too over...

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Sherk Forever After

It’s 3d anime from dreamwork
Sequence. But as good as before
The storyline felt like it one is extra (no need at all)
But like the one before still feel romantic and lovable

Overall **

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Finished viewing movie: Reign of Assassins 剑雨

A Chinese kung fu produced by John Wu
Some say “he” back after watching this show
Can guess most of the story as enough clues given and it slow
Between cg and stuns are great
Some phases in the show are romantic and touching
Long time never come across such high quality kung fu show

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Knight and Day

Don’t see what the “Day” come from, someone enlighten me please
Storyline sucks
If Tom and Diaz not in it, it can throw away
No comment (what to do? There is still show starring hero never miss nor been hit… lol)
But they really spend a lot of money in it

Overall *

Finished viewing HK drama: Word Twister 铁齿银牙

It’s a 20 parts series
Story line sucks
All spot light on陈小春
He performance great, just as like I like

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Aftershock 唐山大地震

It’s a sad movie about relation between mum and daughter
At first I don’t really interested in watching, but everyone around say good and touching
I watch with my wife who wept through most of the movie
She been recommends to other since
I? Cried too. Touching
Should watch

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: The Last Air Bender

It’s movie for kids
Think it’s not a success one, kids younger don’t understand, older think it’s lean
Cg are so so, story line is ok
But the stun they do to control elements are so lean (make me laugh)
But actually I like such show except the stuns (OMG don’t want to talk about it)

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Tekken

A movie inspire by a popular game in 80’s-90’s
Story line sucks, stuns normal
See this show cause of the game
Nothing much to say, cause start forget my comment after few days

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Legend of the Fists – Return or Chen Zhen 精武风云- 陈真

It’s a Chinese kung fu show
Lots of stuns but not wow factor…
Story line stupid, maybe there no smart guys in the story plot so a smart move
It like batman except he kills, not punisher as he doesn’t go for boss
But he is dumber than both
If this show got no 甄子丹,there is no attraction
Miss Ip Man part 1

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Comedy makes you cry 拍买春天

It’s a Taiwanese show talk about prostitution
If u think can see boobs, u r wrong. Sexy but no boobs
So part r funny most r sad
It carry message “only go through sadness, u will treasure happiness”
Most of the joke is laughing at how unlucky the main leads are, sad

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Centurion

It’s a movie about war between Roman and Pict
Can see human nature and politic = ugly
U will not find ultimate villain in it, only selfish bastard
Yes, like war barbaric movie u will see blood flying around
Violent of cause but it feel real
Effect r good, stuns r nice
Nice show if u asks me

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Predators

It’s the remake of classic
Love it much better than the original
Cg is good
U can feel like TV series”lost”, and reality game show savior

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: Lake Placid 3

Yes, this is the show with the giant crocodiles
Saw part1, thought it will be interesting but I’m wrong
20mins of set up, that’s mean its no trilling all the way
Show off boobs which is not necessary
Story line weak, its like watch dumb ass been slaughter
They are all selfish and ugly
Cg suck

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Trapped Ashes

Think it’s a horror movie from 80’s
So miss that era
Yes, standard horror movie from that era, boobs and blood
Story make up by 4 small parts, father of Asian multi-part horror movie
It’s more gross than horror, more like X File or Fringe

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Wild Target

It’s a British dark comedy
Main lead is a ah pek, co-star aka Ron Weasley from HP
Not that good, I don’t why I finish it. Maybe it’s simple and make me feel satisfy.
A killer with good ending + get the girl + fulfill dreams, what else to ask more

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Detective Dee 通天帝国-狄仁杰

Hong Kong produce sci fri suspend
Although cg not prefect but good enough
It’s the most satisfy Chinese film I seem later
Story line so so, but reasonable
Think its Hellboy : Golden Army look alike
But still love it show

Overall ****

Friday, December 3, 2010

Finished viewing movie: Blood Night: The Legend of Mary Hactchet

It’s a low budget horror film
Story line not surprise
It like watch Friday 13th, kill, kill and more killing
Not much excitement. Bloody? Yes, but effect suck

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Piranha

In theater in 3d
Big budget, brainless horror film. I like
Story line not important, as we know what we want is a good scare
It showcase lots of boobs and damn bloody
The cg is good, can see lots of disgusting shots
This show not for children and adult that feel like one

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Adventure of The King long 龙凤店

It’s a Chinese comedy based on famous legend
Story line simple, not more surprises
Watching this show only for sake of main lead
They performance not great but like their charm

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Despicable Me

A 3d anime product
The character design not pretty at all, but after sometime it look damn cute
My family like it show so much
I would really like recommend to all
It story line predictable but entertaining
It’s funny and at same time heart warming

Overall ***

Finished viewing movie: 7 Days in Heaven

It’s a Taiwanese show carry tradition of local funeral + heart warming love between father n daughter
It has 1 or 2 laugh-able jokes but can’t say it a comedy
Interesting for me as it give me some inform of Taiwan local tradition

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Virtual Recall

It’s a Chinese suspend + roman show
At first it tries to clue u at sci fri, but think too much clue + director not strong enough for the show. The slow pace makes the show predictable
First 15mins know what the show about, last 15mins can guess ending
Well, think it’s a good effort

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Night Watch

A film in Russian language
My bro say Day Watch nice so we start finding Night Watch
Not much cg, but they r good
Story line ok, simple but maybe it’s in Russian + the director way of shooting really has a twist at the end. A twist which everyone should have guess as clue given through out the show
Nice, but think not link with Day Watch

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Red Bean Ice (Ice Kaicang puppy love)

It’s a love Chinese love story produce in Malaysia by Malaysian
The set are friendly, close to people in age 40+
But I struggle through the show
Not really interesting nor funny
But like the ending
True, sweet like ice kacang, but a show which is good at beginning and end should watch only when u r free and feel good. Best with partner

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: The Expendable

A……. they say it’s a movie by past tense super stars
I agree, more than 50% of time see super star ah pek
But do like the action. The fights not like war but slaughter
Actually during the show down, I expected to see some of the guys get killed. But disappointed

Overall **

Finished viewing movie: Vampires Suck

Yes, it’s a silly movie inspired by twilight saga
Thought it will give me a good time but….
Not much to laugh about, maybe too restrict by the theme, ex. Epic movie

Overall *

Finished viewing movie: Drag Me to Hell

It’s a horror film
Quite scary. Maybe I haven’t seem a scary movie for a while
The storyline was quite predictable
The sound is good, some shots is disgusting
It gives me a petty good scare

Overall **